IT Department

IT services and system resources are delivered for students, faculty members, and staff.

IT Department

The Information Technology (IT) Department is responsible for delivering all aspects of Information Systems and Information Technology Services to support academic and administrative operations of SU. The focus of IT is to support the creation of effective teaching and learning environments to promote student success.

    IT Principles
  • Enhance learning activities and instructional support through the effective use of technology
  • Maintain a reliable, robust and secure technology environment
  • Balance innovation, manageability and use of college resources through careful planning and stewardship

General Overview of IT Services
IT services and system resources are delivered for students, faculty members, and staff. IT needs and services are defined by the academic units. The scope of services provided covers both academic and administrative needs of SU.The IT Department provides the implementation and maintenance of Enterprise Application Services to support academic and management processes.

Enterprise Application Servicesents Organization
Selected Educational Technologies
Networking and Infrastructure Services
Classroom and Lab Technology Services
Operation Hours

Academic Information Systems are available to automate the administration of academic processes related to student records, registration, curriculum management, course materials and lecturer's records. Authorized users can access these services through a self-service portal. Access allows users to view enrolment records, grades, and class schedules.

    These information systems are integrated with the applications below.
  • Admission & Registration Information Systems
  • Student Payment System
  • Facility Management System
  • Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows lecturers to create, manage, and share learning content and resources.
  • The SU Library provides automated solutions for booking, borrowing and maintaining the inventory of books, periodicals and other materials. The system also provides online access for students and faculty members to electronic books and journals that are part of SU's inventory
  • Microsoft Office is an office suite of applications available for students, faculty and staff. IT manages the license with Microsoft that provides that all students, faculty and staff have access to Microsoft products such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, One Note and more. Every registered user is provided with an Office 365 account and OneDrive storage with 50GB of capacity.

The IT infrastructure at SU is built to support learning and teaching activities as well as supporting all administrative services at the L'Avenue campus. The campus networks are designed with Local Area Network (LAN) and Wi-Fi/wireless internet access, available on all floors within the campus building.

  • Internet Connection and Wireless Campus
    Internet access is available through wired and wireless (Wi-Fi) connections. Sufficient and manageable bandwidth is provided to support online learning and teaching applications, online examinations in the computer labs, multimedia applications, and video conferencing systems.
  • Telecommunications
    The implementation of voice communications is deployed within the network infrastructure for IP phone (VoIP), voice, and video conference systems.
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
    Service The SSO service is part of the infrastructure services that manages the authentication and access rights for multiple applications provided for both academic and back office applications. Every user (students, faculty and staff) is provided an SSO account using their personalized email ID.

All classrooms are adapted to support a 21st Century teaching environment. Each classroom is equipped with instructional and projection technologies and it is covered with Wi-Fi for internet access and a LAN port. Also, multimedia projectors with HDMI/VGA connectors are installed in every classroom. These technologies enable lecturers to access and deploy resources for teaching courses using digital resources

SU has four computer laboratories equipped with a total of 101 personal computers to support online learning and computer-based assignments. All PCs are installed with MS Windows operating system, MS Office products, and various softwares for computer lab work.

IT Department provides a number of support options to students, faculty and staff. These include assistance through email, by phone or in person.

  • Service Desk for faculty and staff: IT Staff Room on 6th floor
  • IT Counter for students: Registry Counter on 6th floor
Day Support Break Time Support
Monday 8.00 am - 9.00 pm 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Onsite support at L'avenue Campus
Tuesday 8.00 am - 9.00 pm 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Onsite support at L'avenue Campus
Wednesday 8.00 am - 9.00 pm 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Onsite support at L'avenue Campus
Thursday 8.00 am - 9.00 pm 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Onsite support at L'avenue Campus
Friday 8.00 am - 9.00 pm 11.40 pm - 1.00 pm Onsite support at L'avenue Campus
Saturday 8.00 am - 1.00 pm - Onsite support at L'avenue Campus
Sunday 8.00 am - 1.00 pm - Online / remote support
IT Service Desk

Address : L'avenue Building 6th floor Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 16, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Phone: 62 21 50 2222 ext. 7777


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