Policy & Procedures

Volume I : Governance and

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance to university executives, rectorate, faculty, staff, and students regarding University Governance, which describes the structures, procedures, and rules on how the University makes decisions on its affairs and is held accountable for them.
This policy applies to but not limited to all University Executives, Faculties, Rectorate Office, and entire campus community. This policy delivers information regarding university governance structure, standing committees, university senate, staff council, student government, governance document, and administration.

Standing Committee : University Executive
Effective Date
April 8, 2022
Next Review
April 7, 2025
Rector’s Decree
policy ID

1.1 | Governance and Committee Structure of Sampoerna University

Within the scope of Sampoerna University’s stated mission, there is broad participation and collaboration in the development of educational policy. This process of shared governance involves faculty, administration, students, and support staff toward the achievement of the mission and institutional goals. Faculty participate through representation on the Faculty Senate, through membership on standing committees and through membership in the University Executive. Through membership on standing committees and membership in the University Executive. Students participate through representation on Student Government and through representation on standing committees. Support staff participate through membership on Staff Council, through membership on standing committees and through representation on the University Executive.

Within applicable law, rules and regulations of the University Council, the President of the University has the final responsibility and authority for all phases of the University’s operation.

1.1.1 | Philosophy of Governance

Governance is the democratic process utilized on campus in decision-making procedures. Successful governance creates an environment of awareness on campus by having each major constituency represented throughout the process. To be effective, governance must:


  1. Exhibit the capacity to establish directions and goals.
  2. React to internal and external factors.
  3. Move with due diligence and timeliness.
  4. Provide the campus community with an annual cycle of planning and budgeting.
  5. Ensure that all constituencies of the campus community have an equal opportunity to participate in the decision-making process.

The process is designed to establish the goals, priorities, and objectives of the University. The exercise of administrative prerogatives must reflect these aims to reinforce an environment of collegiality and trust.

1.1.2 | Principles of Governance

The principles of governance are:

  1. The University Council has final responsibility and authority for university policies and procedures; any individual may address the University Council regarding these policies and procedures.
  2. The University Council charges the President of the University with the responsibility for governance of the institution; in turn, the President supports a structured and systematic process for decision making.
  3. The campus governance structure is charged with making recommendations on issues affecting the institution. Standing committees may create task forces (ad hoc committees) to address specific issues and forward recommendations to standing committees. Standing committees discuss and review the recommendations prior to sending recommended actions forward to the University Executive. The University Executive is responsible for reviewing and acting on the recommendations of the standing committees. Those approved by the University Executive are then forwarded by the President to the University Council, as appropriate.
  4. The University recognizes the faculty’s primary responsibility for making recommendations in areas of curriculum and academic standards. This is accomplished through various academic subdivisions that report up to the University Senate.
  5. The membership and interrelationships of committees give the governance structure pre-eminence in the decision-making process.
  6. Broad participation from all segments of the campus is encouraged. All university constituencies (students, staff, faculty, and administrators) are represented on governance committees.
  7. The university community, as a whole, is informed of the governance process and has access to it through constituency representation. It is the responsibility of the Office of the President to keep the campus informed through the distribution of regular governance updates and the posting of information on the web.
  8. Governance is facilitated by transparency, communication, timely and appropriate notices of meetings, public deliberations, campus participation and published records.
  9. Each governance task force and each governance standing committee is expected to take action minutes. The chair of each task force is responsible for distributing minutes to its members and to the appropriate standing committee with a motions report. In turn, the chair of each standing committee is responsible for distributing minutes to its members and to the Office of the President with a motions report. The President, in turn, forwards recommendations from the University Executive to the University Council, as appropriate. Minutes, correspondences, and records are the property of the committees and are to remain in their possession. It is the responsibility of the chair to ensure that files are maintained and passed on to their successors.

1.1.3 | Governance Mandates

The task of governance is the continuing development of the University and its mission; it takes into account the need for the broadest possible constituency participation and information dissemination.

The President is kept informed of governance activities through all other committees’ minutes that are forwarded to the Office of the President. The motions/actions from committee minutes are reported to the President through governance reports, which are the responsibility of each committee chair to produce and distribute. These reports are forwarded to the Office of the President and distributed to members of the University Executive.

After each meeting of the University Executive, a Governance Update is provided which lists actions taken by all governance committees and reviewed and approved by the University Executive. Similarly, a Governance Update is provided which lists actions taken by the University Council

1.1.4 | Authority

University-wide task forces shall be appointed whenever they are deemed necessary to address specific issues. The President or Rector shall determine the duties, composition, and selection process of task forces after consultation with the appropriate standing committee. Task forces will follow similar procedural rules as standing committees.

1.1.5 | Task Force (Ad Hoc Committees)

The governance and committee structure becomes effective when the University Council approves it upon recommendation by the Ppresident after consultation with the University community.

1.1.6 | Review Provisions on Governance Standing Committee

Each standing committee will review its purpose, structure, membership and leadership at least every three years. The findings of these reviews will be presented to the President and University Executive to consider the recommendations.