Programs designed to produce high-quality transformative educators with a passion
The Faculty of Education aims to accelerate the educational transformation in Indonesia and beyond to meet the 21st century challenges. We offer curricula that place an emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches, new technologies, reflective and research skills, and theory-practice integration. FOE programs are designed to produce transformative educators with a passion for lifelong learning, and with a commitment to rethink teaching and redesign learning for current and future learners.
High Rates of Employment in Prestigious Schools and Organizations
Because of FOE's emphasis on applying education theory to real-world practice, many of our graduates have multiple job offers prior to graduation. Our graduates have earned a reputation for excellence and teach in National, National Plus, and International Schools in Indonesia. Our alumni are passionate lifelong learners. Many have pursued further studies and received prestigious international scholarships.
Relevant Academic Programs
The School Experience Program (SEP)
Applied Capstone Projects
New Learning Technologies
Small Class Sizes
Dr. C.I.W. Eka Budiartha, M.A.
Head of English Language Education Program
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Atma Jaya University, Indonesia
Dr. Soepriyatna
Dean of Faculty of Education
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Atma Jaya University Indonesia
Desyarti Safarini T.L.S., M.Si.
Head of Center for Excellence Teaching and Learning & General Education Lecturer
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, Bogor Agricultural Institue (IPB), Indonesia
Arkhadi Pustaka, S.T., M.Pd.
English Education Lecturer
Master of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Maryam Mursadi, S.Sos, M.Pd.
English Education Lecturer
Master of Inclusive and Special Needs Education, UPI Bandung
Udi Samanhudi, Ph.D.
English Education Lecturerr
Ph.D. in TESOL and Applied Linguistics, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Chrisna Bhuana Martinovianto, M.Hum.
English Education Lecturer
Master of Linguistics, University of Indonesia
Dr. Meiliasari, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Mathematics Education Lecturer
Doctor of Philosophy, Matematics Education, Deakin University
Dr. Donny Citra Lesmana, S.Si., M.Fin.Math.
Mathematics Education Lecturer
Ph.D. in Mathematics, The University of Western Australia
Dhitta Puti Sarasvati R., M.Ed.
Mathematics Education Lecturer
Master of Mathematics Education, University of Bristol, UK
Sugiri Aryanto, M.Si.
Mathematics Education Lecturer
Master of Science, Bandung Institute of Technology
Anissa Pane, M.A.
English Education Lecturer
Master of Arts, University of South Wales
Maria Niayu Risma Novianti, M.A.
English Language Lecturer
Master of Arts in American Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Julia Frances Lonan, B.A., M.A.
English Language Education Lecturer
Master of Arts, Emerson College Boston, USA
Susilowaty, M.A.
English Language Education Lecturer
Master of Arts, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
Dr. Vera Syamsi
English Language Education Lecturer
Ph.D. in Literacy Studies, University of Indonesia
Dr. Li. Edi Ramawijaya Putra, S.Pd., M.Pd.
English Education Lecturer
Doctor of Applied Linguistics in English, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Deshinta P.A.D. Argaswari, M.Pd.
General Education Lecturer
Master of Education in Mathematics Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Faradillah Hariani, M.Si.
General Education Lecturer
Master of Science in Mathematical Modelling, University of Birmingham, UK
FoE graduates can be absorbed by national and international schools (i.e. SIS Pantai Indah Kapuk, Sekolah Cikal, Green School Bali, HighScope Indonesia) with mostly less than 6 months waiting time after the graduation. Moreover, the graduates' employment is aligned with the graduate profile of FoE.
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More Info
Transform lives with your English teaching capability
Bachelor of Education in English Language Education program is designed to address Indonesia’s need for high quality English teachers with the competencies to teach using 21st Century approaches. This program offers students opportunities to explore contemporary theories and practices underpinning English Language curriculum and instruction and to develop skills in teaching English for different grade-levels of primary and secondary schools. Prospective teachers will have the capacity to utilize technology as a platform in English Language Education to engage learners and accommodate different needs.
Bachelor of Education in English Language Education program is committed to create a new generation of teachers who pursue their careers in a wide array of opportunities in the field of English Language Education.
They will be able to teach English as a second language at different levels of primary and secondary schools and at different contexts including in formal and non-formal education settings such as in tutoring programs and youth centers. With the ability to use English as the medium of instruction and global perspective of learning, they have significant strengths to teach in international-oriented schools with students from various backgrounds.
The capacity in conducting educational research and developing educational programs will allow graduates to take part in education development projects and pursue their careers in national and international developmental agencies or non-government organizations.
To become a leading and internationally recognized English Language Education Study Program. A study program that consistently embodies values of action, ideas and artefact (Cipta, Rasa dan Karsa) to produce graduates who are able to face the challenges of the 21st century and have strong integrity as well as responsibility.
Learn from world-class faculty, connect with a global
and gain practical skills that prepare you for a successful
FoE's graduates are future leaders who are passionate about lifelong learning and transforming education, with strong abilities in interdisciplinary thinking and new technologies, who have great skills and enthusiasm in teaching, be of good moral fibre, and be willing to contribute to the transformation of the society.
FoE graduates will possess the following competencies:
See Degree Plan